Triple C | TC Sportswear & Uniform是一家於香港提供一站式專業服務的制服及運動服供應商,TC的本意為Triple C,三個C分別代表Customization (專業定制)、Consistency (產品一致性)、Care (用心服務)。我們不斷引入符合ESG標準的布料及嶄新生產技術,並加入政府物流服務署統籌的政府採購卡Purchasing Card (P卡)計劃,致力為客戶提供更高質素及有效率的服務,包括專業設計、多種舒適布料、先進生產技術、品質監控、包裝細節、貨期快而準,以確保成品規格達至優質水準。
We are a uniforms and sport-wears specialized supplier who offers professional One-Stop services in Hong Kong. ‘ TC ’ stands for ‘Triple C’ - professional Customization to meet customer’s requirement, Consistency in high quality product delivery, and exceptional Care to exceed customer’s expectation. With our continuously developed and innovative technology in manufacturing and participation in the Government Logistics Department Purchasing Card Programme, we are dedicated to offer high qualify and effective services, including professional design, variety of confortable ESG fabrics selection, innovative manufacturing technology, quality control, product packaging, fast and on-time delivery to guarantee the final product is meeting the highest standard.
在把客戶對所需服裝的概念實現之前,我們都會不斷咨詢了解和細心聆聽客戶所需。配合優質管理及品質監控系統,由訂織面料 及輔料、起辦、印花、繡花、到最後生產及 包裝工序,我們都親自監控,以確保出品合乎客戶要求,同時保證了快而準的貨期。
按行業和運動的不同需要,在款式造型、 布料配搭、色彩配搭、剪裁及縫製等方面精心研究, 從而設計出個性化又富有時代感的「制服時裝」。
We are attentive to customer’s requirements, and we endeavour to satisfy customer’s needs and demands through proactive consultation. With our established production quality management – from examining the features and materials of different kind of fabrics, marking and cutting, to printing and embroidery, and final producing and packaging, we assure each garment can meet the expectation of customers with guaranteed fast and on-time delivery.
The design, fabric matching, colour combinations, cutting and sewing will all be tailored to different industries or sports needs as required, assuring the design prides itself on quality personalization with a contemporary approach.
Triple C | TC Sportswear & Uniform曾多次為企業和品牌提供形象設計顧問和產品設計,在把客戶對所需服裝的概念實現之前,我們都會不斷咨詢了解和細心聆聽客戶所需。由於高質量的服裝產品及出色的服務,使我們贏得眾多客戶的信任及支持,過往合作伙伴包括各政府部門、公司、學校、運動團體、社會企業、教會、慈善組織等,提供員工制服設計及團隊服飾訂造服務,TC Sportswear & Uniform絕對是你可信賴的制服供應商。
Triple C | TC Sportswear & Uniform has sophisticated experience in providing branding design and product design services for numerous corporates and brands. We are attentive to customer’s requirements, and we endeavour to satisfy customer’s needs and demands through proactive consultation. With our high quality manufacturing production and excellent services, we have developed well-established trust between our customers and us; and we have been widely selected as the supplier of various parties across different industries. Our previous partners include government departments, corporates, schools, sports society and unions, NGOs and religious groups etc. TC Sportswear & Uniform is a reputable supplier specialised in offering custom-made design and garment for staff uniforms and team outfits.